We wish We were always on the Deck with you..
But as we are not, let’s talk the go through the drills….
Nathan Adrian demonstrating awesome..
Nathan Adrian for Speedo demonstrates his amazing front quad swimming, appears as almost catch up yet this is is freestyle stroke.
-how long he is in the water
-his head position
Drill #1 Catch up with a Kickboard
Drill #1 Catch Up Drill with a Kickboard
Catch up drill is a way to ensure your stroke is LONG in the water!
-start with a board and alternate strokes.
-we will also just do right all the way down the pool and left back.
-ensure you reach LONG and finish the stroke!
Drill #2 Catch up without a Kickboard
Drill #2 Catch Up Drill without a Kickboard
Now remove the kickboard, and allow one arm in front until the other arm completes the full stroke and is back in that 11 position
Think LONG!
Drill #3 Side Balance
Drill #3 Side Balance!
Side balance is the foundation of proper swim stroke, note you are never flat but rotate side to side to side.
Toss on a pair of fins, keep your arm fully extended, and begin by on your right fully down the length of the pool and left back.
Work on your comfort of breathing, quick inhale, full and continuous exhale underwater.
Drill #3b Side Balance with thought on Head Position
Drill #3+ Side balance with thought on head position
Continue with side balance, but focus on your head position!
Drill #4 Side Balance Single Switch
Drill #4 Single Switch Side balance
Drill #5 Side Balance with Triple Switch
Drill #5 Triple Switch
Drill #6 Zipper Drill
Drill #6 Zipper Drill
Drill #7 Finger Tip Drag
Finger Tip Drag works on getting high elbow OUT of the water! Very similar to Zipper, yet a bit different!
Drill #8 Shark Fin, Serape to Three Point Touch
Drill #8 Shark Fin, Serape to 3 PT Touch
Stay tuned.. more to come!!